Let’s help Newport to Stay Active

Research I have undertaken shows a mixed picture of activity and obesity amongst young people and adults in Newport.
According to the Welsh Health Survey, over the last ten years Newport has seen an 8% increase in adults who were either overweight or obese. This was the third biggest rise in Wales behind Denbighshire and Merthyr. However, information supplied by Sport Wales suggests there has been a 9% increase in young people hooked on a sport.

Good in-roads are being made in getting and keeping the next generation active, but less impact has been made amongst adults. I know with modern life it is often hard to find time, yet it’s important everyone stay active for their own health. There are many things people can do and Newport has a number of world-class venues like the Velodrome. So, if you have been inspired by GB’s success in Rio visit http://newportlive.co.uk/ to see a list of activities you can participate in.

Kate Evans, spokesperson for Sport Wales said “We all know that the landscape of sport and physical activity in Wales is changing – traditional models of consumption have served us well, but as people’s lives are changing, driven by technology, we need to not only respond, but raise the bar. People now want to participate in different ways with a strong community focus and we must listen, act and innovate to meet that demand. We should be working with a diverse range of local groups to empower communities so that they play a full and active role in decision making to ensure that local services meet local needs.”

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Author: Jayne Bryant MS
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Tanysgrifiwch i fy nghylchlythyr e-bost i gael y newyddion diweddaraf am fuddsoddiad Llywodraeth Cymru a'm hymgyrchoedd yng Ngorllewin Casnewydd.
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